
Spyparty criken
Spyparty criken

Unfortunately, the game is also an amazing silly game, which is what ultimately drove me away from it. Intruder also has a unique voice chat system that is the highlight of the game to me- I've written about it before here. You can also make custom maps, which can be hit or miss but often provide a unique take on the game. Mountainside is huge, with a lot of unique mechanics (mortars, controllable spotlights, a triggerable helicopter attack), and often sees Intruders with a sniper-spotter team on a bridge, keeping the outside of the building clear of guards as the rest of the intruders zipline or climb in. Cliffside is all close-quarters combat, with the guards shutting off the chokepoints until enough people die that one of the choke points open up and it becomes a game of cat and mouse.

spyparty criken

There's a good balance of official maps Riverside and Oceanside have long and short range gunfights, multiple approaches that can't all be watched, and lots of places to hide traps (or yourself).

spyparty criken

In one map, Riverside, you can choose between crawling through bushes on a road, ( hard to see but open to explosives and medium speed), taking the roofs (very quick but a sitting duck if you don't use smoke, which can attract concussion grenades), taking the vents (takes you straight to one of the objectives but takes a long time, and its exits are chokepoints), or several other approaches. Maps have a good variety of routes to the objective, with a good balance of benefits and drawbacks. You get a lot of interesting gadgets, like motion sensors, C4, smoke grenade, tear gas, a camera-on-a-stick.

spyparty criken

I've played it quite a bit, and I can say that the game is an amazing stealth multiplayer game.

Spyparty criken